Access to E-Resources

There are two access types:

Faculty Access – Direct  

The resources are accessible from the CU/Faculty network without the need to authenticate by logging in. This type of access is also available to registered external library users.

Off Faculty Access – Remote  

How to use e-resources  ( e-books, e-journals, e-databases ) from the library website :

  • Choose the menu „Databases“, „E-Books“ or „E-Journals“   on our library’s website  and find your resource
  • Click on the remote access icon
  • Enter your ID (number below the image) and password

More information:

How to access and use database of e-resources?


TOP Databases


ALL Databases via  PEZ (Charles University E-resources Portal)

Copyright and Licensing

Students and staff of Charles University and users of the library are reminded that the use of online databases, electronic journals and CD resources is subject to copyright law and publishers’ licence terms, which cover downloading, printing and re-use of content. It is the individual’s responsibility to ensure that his or her actions do not violate copyright or licensing agreements.