🎁 Bonus Question time.
What was the most searched topic on AMBOSS in 2024?
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Záznamy lednových webinářů Amboss:
Zdroj: Ústřední knihovna UK
AMBOSS je online vzdělávací platforma, která zahrnuje interaktivní knihovnu a databázi testů (příprava na zkoušky ) USMLE.
AMBOSS is an online educational platform that includes an interactive library and a database of tests for USMLE exam preparation.
Pro přístup si nejprve vytvořte osobní účet, poté si požádejte o přístupový kód přes formulář zaslaný studijním oddělením či napište na:
To gain access, first create a personal account. Then, request an access code by submitting the form provided by the study department or by contacting:
Užitečné zdroje | Useful Resources
- Instrukce, jak aktivovat přístupový kód/ Instructions for Activating the Access Code;
- Nahrávka z webináře AMBOSS/ Recording of the AMBOSS Webinar;
- Rozcestník vybraných témat (AMBOSS Content Highlights Basic and Clinical Sciences English) / Comprehensive materials from the webinar AMBOSS Content Highlights Basic and Clinical Sciences English;
- Mobilní aplikace/ Mobile Application;
- Rozšíření v Chromu/ Chrome Extension.
- AMBOSS GPT: 15,326 students are already using it to get trustworthy, up-to-date answers with a quick reference to AMBOSS’s library, directly in ChatGPT.
- Accessing over 6,000 exam-style clinical case-based questions (QBank)
- Exploring 1,300+ learning articles covering basic & clinical sciences, plus clinical skills
- Utilizing 500+ videos including animations, physical exams, procedures, & clinical skills
- Reviewing 200+ histology slides and learning topics Interacting with 3D anatomy models & illustration quizzes
- Navigating our comprehensive medical library spanning over 20,000 topics
- Receiving personalized learning recommendations & next steps tailored to your needs
- Enjoying full coverage for US exams: USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 CK, and more
Clinical cases (40 cases you can practice and role-play)
Differential Diagnoses
History and Physical Examinations
Residency Survival Guide
AMBOSS fact sheets
Physical Examination Videos
Practical skills and procedures Videos
Anki Integration
Upgrade your flashcards with our add-on for Anki, including pop-up explanations and links to articles from the AMBOSS Library.
NEJM Knowledge+ now on AMBOSS
AMBOSS is thrilled to announce the acquisition of NEJM Knowledge+ from the esteemed NEJM Group, setting a new gold standard in medical learning and patient care. ABIM, ABFM and ABP specialty board exam prep now available on AMBOSS.
Learning Analytics
Chart your progress with our built-in learning analytics and receive personalized study recommendations to keep you on track.
Curious what your peers got up to? Here are the top 3 most-read articles of 2024…
Zkušenosti studentů z používání AMBOSS (Lola Riera)
We are preparing a shared space for sharing and exchanging experiences on platform Amboss.
If you are interested in sharing your experiences on how to use platform Amboss with others, please write to: